Tag Archives: climb

Climb, Work, and Jog on Repeat

brooklyn boulders somerville

Imagine having your office or a workspace sitting on top of a giant climbing wall – being able to jog, do yoga, lift, climb all under one roof. Well ironwaffle.me introduces you to Brooklyn Boulders Somerville, where they have created an interactive workspace.

The space is incredible. Giant climbing walls, graffitis, and warehouse-look encompassing the space. And then there’s everything from a work station treadmill, a “work area” (where you can do pull ups while sending emails or balance on medicine balls while writing codes), yoga rooms, and a lifting area. This is an absolute dream come true for those busy professionals out there.

How amazing would it be to have a team meeting there, and after work, instead of going straight to happy hour, you could climb first, and then go to happy hour. Or if you’re in the middle of a hectic week, you could blow off some steam by getting a workout done, but still have the flexibility to finish a last minute project.

Being active will clear your mind and it’s definitely a great way to live a fulfilling working life, and Brooklyn Boulders Somerville just made that a lot easier for ya’ll.